Discover a deeper connection to your faith by joining one of FUMC Georgetown's engaging adult studies. Whether you’re looking to develop your personal spiritual life, connect with others over a Bible study, or explore current events through a biblical lens, we have something for everyone. Our small group opportunities, provide a supportive environment to grow alongside others on similar journeys.
For more information or to inquire about a specific study, please email adults@fumcgt.org
Develop Your Personal Spiritual Life
The means of grace taught by John Wesley are among the ways God works invisibly in each of us. Our giving attention to these hastens, strengthens, and confirms our faith as God’s grace moves in and through us. Wesley divided the means of grace into two categories as “works of piety” and “works of mercy.” The individual works of piety include reading, meditating on, and studying the scriptures, prayer, fasting, regularly attending worship, and sharing our faith with others. Communal practices that Wesley recommended include regular participation in holy communion, Christian conferencing (accountability to one another), and Bible study. Resources for the individual practices of reading, meditation, and prayer are available from many sources. A list recommended by the staff at FUMC Georgetown listing various books, blogs, email feeds and podcasts can be found here.
Men's Bible Study Group
The men's Bible study group meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00-7:00 PM. Join us in the Main Building Parlor for a light meal, fellowship, and discussion. RSVP to adults@fumcgt.org to assure there will be enough food.
Together Gathered In Faith (TGIF) Bible Study
TGIF Bible study welcomes ladies of all ages, and we focus on living out God's love in our everyday hustle of motherhood. Please join us every Friday as you are able in room 209 . There is childcare offered, we just ask you to RSVP to plan for staff. Please email children@fumcgt.org if you plan to attend and need childcare.
Current Events Bible Study Group
This group meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 PM–8:00 PM in room 301/302 of the church or by Zoom. They discuss current events of the world, where the church is headed in these new times, how to love and care for others, and other topics. Included in every session is thinking on how the Bible guides us to transform our minds and leads us to live more like Jesus taught and lived. Reading material is sent out a few days before each session so may gather your thoughts on the topic. Please consider joining us. For more information, please contact adults@fumcgt.org.