At FUMC Georgetown, we offer a variety of Sunday school classes ranging from discussions, to book studies, to lecture style classes. Most classes meet from 9:45 AM-10:40 AM. All classes are timed to allow you to attend services. All of our classes welcome new people and would love to have you as their guest this Sunday. Visit several classes to see which best fits your needs and interests.
For more information or to inquire about a specific class, please email
A class made up primarily of parents of children and youth (with some grandparents mixed in) welcomes all to join us. Using TV shows that contain a message as a guide, we discuss and discover together the biblical roots of that message and the application it has in our lives. Location: Room 223 (Youth Theater)
Can We Talk?
Women’s Bible and book study discussion group with a focus on shared spiritual journeys, prayer, and support. Our group is open to ladies of all ages and all situations. Location: Room 303
Class Meeting
This group meets weekly on Sunday mornings in the Wesleyan style of a class meeting. Group members check-in with each other about the ways God is working in their lives, the faith struggles they are having, and the prayers they are praying. Group size maximum is 10 people, so when the group grows beyond that, they divide and start a new group. Location: Room 301.
Contemporary Forum
A large adult class that includes couples and individuals mostly 65 and older but welcome to all adult ages. They cover a variety of topics. Location: Fellowship Hall
Daily Bread
The age range is adults in their 30’s to 60’s. Sunday mornings include a discussion-based study of Biblical topics, most recently on what Scripture says about patience. Wednesday evenings are more of an informal check-in, simply to connect with others. Location: Room 208
This class is a fellowship of adult believers seeking to grow in Christian discipleship through study, discussion, and serving our church and community. The Discovery Class has a heart for missions and actively participates in the mission field by volunteering and providing the tools and resources needed to help those in need. We also love to have fun together. Come join us on the journey! Location: Room 307
Adult class of mainly active empty nesters, all adult ages are welcome. The lessons, led by a team of teachers and other class members, feature a combination of lecture and discussion on a variety of Biblically-based topics. Location: Rooms 1001 and 1002
The Foundry class is a Christian community in an unpretentious setting that studies the Bible by focusing on the actual texts through presentations and discussions drawing on historical, cultural, philosophical, and interpretive materials to enhance our understanding of the scriptures. Location: Room 1003
Good News
This Sunday School class strives to provide both personal support to our members through social interaction every Sunday and spiritual support by applying lectionary scripture lessons to our daily lives. Location: Parlor
The Sandlot
A multi-generational group who gathers like the kids in the sandlot but instead of playing baseball, we come together to study God's word. The diversity in ages and stages keeps the discussions interesting. Location: Room 209.
Sunday Morning Covenant Group
This group supports each other in their spiritual growth in the tradition of John Wesley. Questions or current event issues are introduced for discussion from week to week according to how the Spirit leads. They also inquire how they have experienced God in the previous week, share their joys and concerns with each other, and pray for each other. Care is taken to assure discussions are held closely amongst those gathered. Location: Room 305.