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We are a praying congregation, and we covenant to be in prayer for the concerns on the hearts of our community. Here at FUMC Georgetown, we seek to support each other through prayer. There are a number of opportunities for prayer including prayer times in our weekly worship services, prayer in small groups, and praying the labyrinth located on our church campus.

Request Prayer

Let us know how we can pray for you! If you have prayer requests, please submit them to Your prayer requests will be shared with the pastors and the discipleship staff. If you would like your prayer request publicized in FUMC Georgetown communications, please indicate that in your request. If you would like to add a family member or friend to the published prayer list, please ensure that you have that person’s permission. 

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Prayer Groups

Prayer Partner Teams

Our Prayer Partners ministry consists of teams of three to five people who pray with our pastors before worship and commit to pray for our pastors and staff on a regular basis. We are committed to growing and expanding our prayer ministry to bless our entire church family and provide critical prayer support for our church’s mission of “Living Out God’s Love Everywhere We Go.”

Prayer Shawl Ministry Team

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry Team meets weekly on Thursday mornings at 10:30 AM to pray for the needs of our congregation, to work on our knitting, crocheting, and quilting projects, and to pray over our completed shawls and lap robes. Our beautiful shawls are available for anyone who would be blessed by receiving one. 

Centering Prayer Group

Our Centering Prayer Group provides an opportunity once a week for group study and reflection followed by a 20-minute period of silence. They meet on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM at the Wesleyan Independent Living Chapel. The purpose of the group is to help people develop a closer relationship with God. They use the method taught by Contemplative Outreach and maintain an affiliation with Heart of Texas Contemplative Outreach. They find that praying in the centering manner together is very helpful for inviting God to be present within them and making them what God intends for them to be. 


Prayer Labyrinth

Located next to the MCMC, the prayer labyrinth is a winding path that leads unerringly to the center where you are invited to stay and pray. When you are ready, turn around and walk the same winding path out again. As you complete your prayer walk and walk back out to the edge you may feel a new sense of empowerment to love God and love your neighbor. 


The prayer labyrinth can help calm the mind, relax the body, reduce stress, and provide space that helps guide your mind and heart in prayer. Function follows form; this form, the prayer labyrinth, leads your mind to new places in prayer. The path is a metaphor for a journey with God in which you can trust God every step of the way. 

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