All who love First United Methodist Church are invited to consider a planned gift to the FUMC Foundation as part of their giving journey. Every household among us is called to think deeply about how to live our faith and to believe that as we are given, we can give. Legacy gifts are potentially for all of us – something to be thought of proportionately to our means, rather than as a matter of how much wealth we do or don’t have.
For more information on planned giving to the FUMC Foundation, please email foundation@fumcgt.org or call the church office at 512-863-2370 x225.

What is the Foundation?
The FUMC Georgetown Foundation was established in 1988 to provide members and friends of FUMC the opportunity to make legacy and enduring gifts to the church either as direct gifts or through estate planning and bequests. Gifts to the fund are invested, not spent, and provide a perpetual source of income in support of the church’s ministries and missions. View the brochure below to see our complete list of funds and scholarships.
Estate Giving
As you consider your journey with First United Methodist Church, we invite you to consider the FUMC Foundation in your estate plans. These can be gifts of any size and can be structured as a dollar amount or percentage. They can also be distributed from life insurance policies, annuities, and IRA and 401(k) accounts.
Give Online
Online giving is convenient. Through the secure Realm Connect platform, you can make a one time gift, set up scheduled giving, edit scheduled giving, change your method of giving, view two years of giving history and print contribution statements. Please ensure to select the specific fund that you'd like to make your gift to.
If the gift is an honorarium or memorial, please note who is to be honored or remembered and where an acknowledgment should be sent.